Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Exercise Motivation

I was chatting to a friend today about motivation to exercise. The pump class he likes is much more popular with girls than guys, which for a straight guy would be great - but he's not. He was really pumped (pun intended) when it was announced the new instructor would be a guy - and deflated when it turned out not to be the case. I know when I swim if there's a really cute guy training in my lane - I can really get quite distracted - training focus goes out the window and I can get lost an aquatic dream... Embarrassing I know, but I don't mind. If he's fast - I'm going to push myself harder to maintain the pace...

Yes there are always the long term goals, physical health, a general sense of well being from the exercise itself and possibly friends and coaches who can all be motivational factors, but it's amazing the power of sexual attraction that will push you harder... and faster... and keep you coming back for more...

Do you find someone cute a help or a hindrance when you exercise?

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Strange Sightings #3

It's a developing theme - people parking in all kinds of odd places and ways. I thought it must have been a Croatian thing with the car below parked rather unusually near the beach in Split, but it's again near the beach, this time in Wollongong... It is a new trend? Is it a sign the world is coming to an end? It is nature taking a stance against global parking? Today's picture, above, involves a spontaneous tree collapse, not a breath of wind, nor a (known) drop dead gorgeous surfer stripping out of a wetsuit (although in this carpark it is entirely possible). And I could well empathise with such a collapsed in same circumstances. The one below - hmmm- it might well also have involved a distracting young man - but a mystery it shall remain...

Bourke Street Bakery Afternoons...

Who needs plans when you have friends who can be spontaneous! We headed to our regular haunt, with Special Guest Corey - ate some new delicacies, discussed life the universe and men... scared a few children, parents... and dogs, and then did the same in multiple locations (including a cinema) throughout the city into the night. Even managed the mandatory swim in there somewhere. Perfect.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Naked Aerobics 101

I laughed I did - 30 seconds.

free falling weekend

Divers at this week's Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro

The weekend is in free fall - It's completely unplanned - nothing booked - no idea where I'll be headed what I'll be doing... I had so much energy today - despite an interrupted night's sleep(work related) I swam in the morning - breakfasted solo at my favourite, diggies, worked without any contact with any health professionals (all away or at meetings) and it was just heaven. Ran at gym for something different- cooked lasagna - the first time ever for me - and it worked - it ACTUALLY worked! I seem to have this cooking bug at the moment, finally I can make use of the kitchen utensils!
Perhaps Rio is the place to be for this weekend though? Deckside at the diving pool...

Friday, 27 July 2007


I guess I'm an idealist. You're supposed to get to a point in life where you see that being idealist doesn't work - and you move on to the next best thing. Perhaps I have yet to go there - or perhaps I've been there - and moved right through the circle again, but I still want to change the world, to make it a better place - help people to be happy in their worlds. Perhaps I'm a tad romantic - and maybe the rose coloured glasses I seem to be wearing need to be turned down a shade or two... But life is more than just about accepting the status quo. No?

It's easy to go about life just following the yellow brick road. But as a gay man - for me there was a point that I had to jump off that road. Life wasn't quite what it was made out to be. I was different from the rest of the crowd, even though I was walking the same road with them, to a point. But when I looked at my world from a different perspective, as a kind of outsider looking in - it was kind of like in the Matrix movies - you learn to see the code behind all of the things you once didn't ever question. And so I started to question things - why should I follow religious ideology when it really didn't seem to want to understand me? Do I really need to do the whole car, wife, house, dog, kid, holidays down the coast thing? Is society right with all the sexual taboos and is it's moral code really of benefit to the real people out there? Sometimes the answer was yes - or 'it works for me' but sometimes not. But just by looking at things with a more critical perspective it has made me think, how can I make this better? Can I help make the rest of the world look at the code and wonder if it can be improved upon too? Or am I seriously deluded?

I can see great potential in this world - and I think I can do great things to enable some of this - but sometimes it just seems too hard - where to begin? What to aim for specifically? But looking at the bigger picture, how long has it taken for us to take the environment seriously? Half the things that are starting to become common ideals now were in high school text books decades ago. I'm not exactly going to solve the problems of the world in the next 30 years, is there any point in trying? I'm not exactly read here by the millions that flock to Perez Hilton. And face it - there aren't a lot of people around who really are trying terribly hard to make a difference, so it's much easier to just fit in and watch the latest reality TV celebrity crap.

I'm a glass half full kinda guy though. I look for the positive. And by looking I guess I see it more readily than those who do not. It can drive people crazy, but I'm not about to change it. I can take a decent photograph, I can counsel the dying and occasionally heal the sick, I can organise incredibly intricate social events and can even string a few words together, but how am I going to seriously make a difference in the world? Should I use the force, or succumb to the hedonism of the dark side?

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Wild Wednesday

Today's Wild Wednesday theme is all about the people who are close to you; lovers, friends, family... Surprise them with unexpected gifts, hugs, kisses, sex, flowers, admissions of love, frankness, honesty, warmth, affection, time, text messages, intimate dinners, chocolate, humour, massages... You get the idea. Then let us know what you've done, no matter how simple.

New to Wild Wednesday? Click on the 'wild wednesday' label below for previous posts.
It's time to do things that might just scare you - or perhaps today the people around you!

(photo: bruce weber)

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Superchilled Race Around the World Continues...

It's been a whole month since the pint sized penguin won leg 15 by correctly identifying The Glasgow Science Centre. Congrats also to Peter von Amsterdam who came up with an exceptionally creative guess which was so SOO wrong. click on the 'race around the world' - label below for the posts. Of course I've been racing around the world myself scouting for more pictures for the next series of the race - and it's time to set off again on your virtual race around the world.

Alas, your e-tickets are issued, and you're all ready to go. But where am I taking you?

Does anybody know?
And what are they doing in the pool?

First in with the correct answer wins the coveted prize. Most creative answer wins the respect and incredulity of the blog reading world.

The Race Starts NOW.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Fag Tag at the Argyl...

I'm not sure I really like the name - Fag Tag - where a gathering of gay men hits a hitherto straight bar en masse... but I guess Gay Bash wouldn't quite work either... Nevertheless we headed to the Argyl Hotel - brand new in The Rocks, Sydney and my GOD it is spectacular, not just the true mass of gorgeous men who crowded it Sunday evening, but the hotel itself knocked my socks off! Extremely well done, with a combination of old world warmth and charm, and modern style it had me at 'come on in'. Of course it was the filled to the very lofty rafters with cute men, looking decidedly suave and sophisticated - maybe it was the lighting? - but the Frenchman and I were taken aback and risked a hefty parking fine by staying well beyond our planned departure time.
We got back to the car and there was no fine!
There was however, a little yellow smiley sticker with 'you've been coolhunted' in it's place - a fun and welcome alternative - so did they like our car? did they see us leaving it looking handsome and stylish on our way to fagtag(I wish) or was it just a clever marketing campaign? (more likely) Yes there was a website attached - but I won't link it here as, well, it seemed to stall my pc - (but if you're feeling daring thecoolhunter.com.au is it).

There was a lot more to like this Weekend than I could possibly write here without boring you all into the next weekend - but alas - I'm ready for the week. There is much to be done!

In Heaven @ BSB

Back for a week - and time for Sunday afternoon at BSB. It seems the place is getting even more popular these days as there were no chocolate tarts or even crumbs of same left in the display today - and we weren't late! The best thing about this is it makes me try other things - today it was a flourless chocolate cake - to die for (as you can see from my expression here). Brenton and the Frenchman were there - we swam beforehand, creating a bit of an appetite (no one seems to notice aussielicious swimming or drinking coffee completely naked any more, maybe it's a winter thing) - and two revelers from our Croatian escape came as well. Again too much fun - and too much chocolate - takes me back to the French Patisseries... I never would have thought that as I grew up I'd be increasingly accustomed to sitting on milk crates outside undersized eateries! What next?

Spontaneous Dinner Party

We'd planned to catch up with some friends on Saturday night, organised much earlier in the week, dinner at our place was the go, figured we'd put something together on the night. Turns out they cancelled, but it was a perfect winter evening for a dinner party - and I just felt like cooking, (I rarely feel like actually cooking for dinner parties, though we often have them). So it didn't end there. We'd already had another guest locked in (Ursula) because she had called and was available and I just couldn't let her go to waste on a Saturday evening . Then I coerced The Patient Man and Brenton out of whatever they were to be doing, down to my completely experimental cooking extravaganza - (I think they came because they adore Ursula) - in any case we all get on like a house on fire - which it sometimes is when The Patient Man visits.
So I cooked more courses than a French Banquet, some of which were surprisingly edible, and none to any standard recipe - I did look up a few of those after I cooked, just out of interest - and no I was nowhere near the instructions, but creativity is embedded in my genes, and we all made it though - perhaps it was Ursula's Lemon Cake that settled all those tummies, yum. We had a cameo call from the Tasmanian Mountain Woman whose vacant spot at the table whimpered in her absence, but the night was a roaring success.
Thanks boys and girls.
Perhaps I have learned a little French after all.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Express Yourself

Madonna: Express Yourself - Music Video

It's an oldie but still one of my favourites - probably better on a huge screen with the perfect sound system - but this will do for now. And apart from the beautiful imagery - including the men - the basic message is pretty good too.

The Weekend is here - have a great one!!

Thursday, 19 July 2007


A constant rumbling, with thunderous crashes, debris of rocks, and seaweed, and the occasional jetsam about, a southerly wind and a chill in the air, but I'm standing in the sun, wearing just a hooded jacket and a pair of cargo pants and the rays warm me. I'm mesmerised by the waves as they crash and tumble, and the birds run from them, chasing after disoriented sealife on the sand. There's thundering all around me, but it's calming me.

It's nice to be home.

Absolutely no problem here...

Chad White commercial (it is Chad White week, this year...)

Jay Brannan New Music Video

Here's the new Jay Brannon video for 'Body's a Temple'
You can download his music through itunes. (3min 40s)
I'm a big fan. (link on the right to his web page)
Curiously I've just read that there's a new movie he's in just completed called 'Holding Trevor' - spooky.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Wild Wednesday

A predicted top of 12 degrees C (55.4F) today makes doing what this guy is doing quite out there today. (But who'd be doing it if they knew he'd be there too?... Yes you can all put your hands down now).

So for Wild Wednesday - we're doing a physical challenge. Do something that challenges you physically today. It might be a gym class you always thought would be too hard or make you look too uncoordinated, it might be a run in the park at 5 degrees (or just a run in the park), a swim in the ocean (or local fountain), it might be something sexual you always wondered about, or walking instead of driving to work, there are no limits - see what you can (or can't) do - but at least try, and let us know how you go. Aussielicious' Brenton is doing his 'aerial silks' class - can't wait to hear how that goes.
Go wild!

Want to know more about Wild Wednesdays? Click here for previous posts.

Same-Sex Federal Law Review

The details below are summarised from the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Sydney, 2007:

Federal laws breach human rights
The Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry conducted an audit of federal laws relating to financial and work-related entitlements in order to identify those which discriminate against same-sex couples and their children.

The Inquiry has identified 58 federal laws which discriminate against same-sex couples in the area of financial and work-related entitlements. Those laws breach the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Many of the federal laws discriminate against the children of same-sex couples and fail to protect the best interests of the child in the area of financial and work-related entitlements. Those laws breach the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Simple amendments will remove discrimination
It is simple to remove discrimination against same-sex couples in federal financial and work-related entitlements: change the definitions in the 58 laws listed in the report.

There is no need to rewrite federal tax legislation, superannuation legislation, workers’ compensation legislation, employment legislation, veterans’ entitlements legislation or any other major area of federal financial entitlements. There just needs to be some changes to a few definitions at the front of each relevant piece of legislation.

The Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry recommends that:
1. The federal government should amend the discriminatory laws identified by the Inquiry to ensure that same-sex and opposite-sex couples enjoy the same financial work-related entitlements.
2. The federal government should amend the discriminatory laws identified by this to ensure that the best interests of children in same-sex and opposite-sex families equally protected in the area of financial and work-related entitlements.

It seems so far the major political parties and the media have not paid much attention to these findings. The details are to be presented sequentially in most capital cities. Maybe those Aussies reading might like to contact their federal MP and ask what is happening from a federal perspective with regard to amending these laws.

For the full report in pdf form: click here
For the HREOC report website: click here
For details of your Federal MP: click here

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

A Lag in the Jet Lag

I yawned once or twice this afternoon at work between 3.30 and 6 but it's past 2am and I've still not had that jet lag feeling. Which is great, perfect even. I keep waiting for it to hit - perhaps going for that run this evening in the FREEZING COLD woke me up a little... But I have things to do so I just want to get up and going with them, no time to sleep. I love the post holiday haze when everything is great... wonder how long that will last...
The above pic is from the Metro in Paris. Why can't Sydney's public transport be even nearly as good?

Monday, 16 July 2007

Back Home

Just arrived back home - and if hell were to freeze over - this would be it! Okay, not really, but just over a day ago I was sitting enjoying the warm evening breeze under an incredibly long sunset over an outdoor dinner in countryside France. The chill of the air blown in at the airport doors as Brenton showed us the way home was an abrupt end to an awesome holiday (thanks though Brenton). It seems I can understand more conversational French than I did a week ago - but now that will be next to useless here - I will practice reading however, between the pictures of the latest Tetu magazines we picked up at the airport in Paris... ah oui!!

Time to hit the sack and prevent a bad dose of jetlag - gotta get to work tomorrow - and have probably slept 4 hours in the past 24... all sitting upright...

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Superchilled's guide to the perfect life

Everyone has their ups and downs, but for the perfect life all the time, here are some superchilled tips...

Friends: It's the old adage, you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. Pick them well, and they'll be there through thick and thin - but you need to maintain them like any good relationship.. see below... Having lots of friends is great - but the quality of friendships is much more important than quantity...

Relationships: whether it's a lover, friends, or family they all take some work to maintain- but like a good garden - they are fantastic if you do some regular maintenance. Regularly keeping track with calls, coffees, texts and or emails (let's not get obsessed) is important to keep in tune and keep them in tune. Go out of your way more than you already do for your friends - and don't expect things back.

Money: It certainly can buy you a little happy, despite what they say. Of course if you have a trust fund or a wealthy partner you may have less issues here, but you never know when they might run out... for those of us who do have to work for it- it's best to do something you really enjoy, something that makes you feel great while you're doing it and ideally something that warms your heart too. If every day at work you're thinking 'remember the money' to get you through - then it's time to look at alternatives. Don't ever start over again in a completely different field - move sideways step by step until you find yourself in a whole new arena but with the same or more pay!!

Sex: It's fantastic, but overrated. The thrill of the chase is as much fun but ultimately intimacy is best and leads to even better sex. When you do have sex - focus on the other person more than yourself, when they feel good they're going to want to do more things to and with you... if it becomes a one way street - get them to read this, and until they do, go somewhere else. If somewhere else you find yourself with more than one person and sex is happening - consider it a rather fun source of exercise - perhaps you can train together for a marathon, or two.

Intimacy: The trick here is in determining who has access to your inner self. The right person is like the perfect cleaning lady - they leave that inner self cleaner, more organised and in better shape then when you left it. But finding the one to trust with your keys is the challenge.

Travel: If you have more than 4 weeks saved up in annual leave - then you're not living. Take a holiday at least every 6 months - even if it's just a week or so away from work (setting mobile phones to ignore all work calls + emails). Make sure you have planned to meet up with friends - old and or new - somewhere in your travels. When you're on holiday - wild wednesday becomes wild every day - extend your limits - new people, new experiences, and refer back to the sex section now...

Health: You don't realise how good it is to have good health, until you lose it. Listen to the mainstream health recommendations (beware those who will make money out of their specific recommendations) treat your body as your temple and spend time keeping it maintained. It's okay to be a bit vain yes, but don't obsess - leave that to the people around you. Eat a mix of things, avoid all forms of smoke and exercise every day. It will help with sex too!! Yum.

Religion: If it makes you really feel better, then go for it - if it causes you nothing but stress - then reconsider. Most religions are intolerant of homosexuality, so I tend to be intolerant of most religions. No one really knows if there really is an afterlife - so consider this the only one you have - make it a good one!

Oh and the final piece of advice - be very careful about who you listen to for advice - but when you trust them - treat it like gold.

Good luck!!

Monday, 9 July 2007

The Postcards you don't see

Travelling is a lot of fun - even on the days when the weather is crappy and you're staying in freeway hotels... at least this one had a surprisingly fast and no additional charge wifi broadband service!! yay. great views huh!? But we're here just to sleep - now it's time to head farther south and into the (wet) mountains!! yay.

Keep on Moving

I'm not good at standing still. I like doing a thousand things at once and each at full speed. So when I have to stand still a while - I stall. It becomes difficult to even do one thing well.
So it's nice to get moving again, and we're now en route to the Pyrenees in the south of France and north of Spain to meet up with very good friends who have flown in from Sweden. We haven't got a specific itinerary - we'll be generously ad-libbing but the fun is in just being with them exploring new places, as we have done countless times in the past in all kinds of places around the world. I'm very much looking forward to meeting them for breakfast in Andorra tomorrow and seeing where the day takes us... and the next few days after that...

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Random Travelling Men ....3

A few good men. There have been quite a number in France (which I usually haven't found in the past) but these are the last batch from Croatia - Dubrovnik in fact.

Finally got to swim today. And the sun came out while we were in the outdoor pool. Excellent. I'm feeling a lot more settled. I have been official photographer for the new nephew, which has been fun, although I'm not sure I'm quite the baby photographer Anne Geddes is... Despite all the food I've eaten - I'm getting hungry!!!

Saturday, 7 July 2007

Quietly Insane

Okay- yes I'm on holiday in Europe and it is summer, although you wouldn't know it by the cool weather... but today was perhaps not my best day...

I'm sitting here in the French countryside with an internet connection I can run faster than (when I can get to the pc in the first place), having spent a day in conversations where I was mostly sitting through quietly watching people speak and wondering what they were saying and why the hell I can't speak French yet. The days can go REALLY REALLY slowly... I know the people I am meeting with are delightful, and I do get knowing looks from those who do understand my predicament when they see me staring into the distance, having concentrated as long as I can on the French that at times seems so close yet today so far away... I have redesigned the rooms I have sat in, I have painted pictures of the people I am with, planned my life until it's end - all in my head, I even visualised a massage for my back - sore from the running I have been doing in lieu of swimming, as distant to me now as my pathetic French.

I have taken photos, I have fed babies (well, my neborn nephew) even burped him and walked him...

But I'm a communicator, not a wallflower. SPEAK TO ME!!! (in English please, I just feel stupid in French)

Anyone recognise this?

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Paris in Summer

We've escaped to Paris for 2 days. It's great fun to explore - and a LOT of walking to be done - even if you do use the metro liberally... We sat down to dinner at 10pm (we were busy exploring all day!) and the people on BOTH sides of us lit up their cigarettes - so we got up and left in search of somewhere free of smoke in which to eat... (and that was a BIG challenge). I'm an avid non smoker and find it incredible this smoking habit... Oh and when we did eventually find somewhere - I paid around $12 (8.5 euro) for a large serve of soft drink - this town certainly does know how to charge!

But hey - there is a lot to see and do despite these factors - but Sylvain and I were sitting down this evening thinking, we do enjoy Paris - but don't quite understand why so many people rave on and on about the place... really, what is it about Paris that moves people so? Or is it the idea of Paris? The food though - if we lived here we'd be impossibly fat from all the fantastic things you can find!! Anyway - more to explore... just giving you a taste.

More Croatia Pics

Just a few pictures of Croatia - I think they're all pretty self explanatory really - but have any questions? Let me know.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Random Travelling Men... 2.

I'm not sure what he's saying - it might be to his very cute little boy - but this daddy was a very welcome distraction to a very busy street in Dubrovnik. Who needs history and culture when there are cute men to divert your attention?
Again the diver in Dubrovnik. Footwear is highly recommended on rather sharp rocks - hence the sandals. But look at those shoulders!! Oh and everything else... Why limit it.
For more travel details - see my travel blog linked here.

Wild Wednesday

I was in the middle of the Adriatic Sea last week, so you had a wild wednesday reprieve. But it's back and as challenging as ever. I must say I get scared every time I speak French... of course I'm in France right now so that is a lot of wildness for me at the moment. In fact it's quite exhausting. But Today is the day to do something that scares you. Something outside your every day activities. Be a little different. Given my travelling theme, today's suggestion is speaking to someone not born locally who is new or newish to you , or perhaps just someone you met on the street - and either converse with them or ideally invite them to a meal at your home - but elsewhere if that's a little too scary for now. Then let us know what you did and how it went. Good Luck. Aussielicious' Brenton has enrolled in an aerial silks course today... what will you do?

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Lost in Transit

So far there have been 2 casualties of travel...
I had searched high and low for the book 'Emergency Sex and other desperate measures' which had been highly recommended to me by Lynnette (of along the way - blog fame) I ultimately found with assistance from a bookseller who had some stashed away at the airport somewhere... only for me to leave it on the ship, having just started it, and it started well. damn damn damn - you know how hard it is to find specific English books in the middle of France??!! And right now is when I have the most reading time...
Number 2 on the lost list is my toothbrush - left in the hotel in Dubrovnik... but I do enjoy the supermarkets of France - they sell EVERYTHING - and I now have a new toothbrush which was sorely needed anyway.

Random Travelling Men

Where have all the good men gone?
There have been some gorgeous men cruising the coast of Croatia - and more than a few who call Croatia home. So for all you lovers of men out there I've trained my lens on where some of the cute ones have been, and here are some photos to show you, collected over the past week or so... more will follow...

These guys were climbing and jumping off the rocks below our hotel room in Dubrovnik. This was taken from the balcony.

Taken in Split where it was damned hot - we were running late for drinks with our friends, but the water was so inviting and the men were plentiful, so in we jumped.. the guy in the water in this shot is divine - but we had to rush away - and yes we did make it in time for drinks...

Sunday, 1 July 2007

toes in the adriatic

Another swim in the Adriatic this morning - three of us have been doing a swim of between 1 and 2 km each day (and I've usually swum a little more another time in the day) and it has been great fun - exploring the coastlines and islands. Last night as we sat at an outdoor cafe watching the moonrise in the balmy evening I took my shoes off and walked down to the water and just immersed my feet for a while - it's therapy for me, calming - I can't keep out of the water - even if it is just my feet.... the drinks into the evening were awesome. sigh...
I'll post a pic a little later.... - updated - should be very clear now...