Tuesday, 23 June 2009
insomnia & fathering
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Labels: family
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
London Preppy - is he back?
One of my favourite blogs has been London Preppy - linked from superchilled for some time now. He has lived and died and lived and died a few times, but it seems the messiah returns to the same channel, different time, same quirkiness (or is that bizarreness?) but certainly well written (& at times photographed or videoed) and entertaining escapes from the every day. Catch him while he's still up and about. Click here, or from his blog link in the right column ->.

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Tuesday, 9 June 2009
A Long Weekend of Beautiful Surf
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Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Late night lock-out
I was hoping we'd escaped it here in Australia, but it seems we haven't.
We've stepped back in time and ahead all at once. I'd purchased fuel this way in the States & in France in the past, but it's a new thing here. A sign of the times I guess, and if I were an attendant I'd feel much more secure, but it's a depressing thing for me. I don't feel like I live in a dangerous world, but these changes suggest that I've been a little lucky or equally naive. I'm sure the next thing is no store at all, and an unmanned, credit card operated fuel pump... Progress can be quite an impersonal thing at times.
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