Thursday, 18 October 2012

It's not about P!nk

I've been gently reminded by a kind friend that I haven't posted here in a while. He's quite right. So where have I been all this time? 

I've been pursuing my own Olympic ideals, bumping up my triathlon training in anticipation of competing and actually getting to the finishing line for the Noosa triathlon in just a few weeks. And on from that aiming at qualifying for the world championships next year in London. People who know me well would be surprised to note that this training has included some regular pre-work cycling training through the absolutely serene Royal National Park. The surprise being in the early morning starts rather than the course of the ride. Mind you I'm not elite and not anticipating competing in Rio, but I am loving the feeling of getting faster on my feet and on the bike and aiming for a competitive result. Last year in Noosa I had trained well, and was in form until a few days prior to the race when a mild cold set off a chain of events that ended in me taking an Ambulance past the finish line, and on to 4 litres of IV fluids in Emergency. A fun experience on its own but not one I'd like to repeat. And so any patient arriving in my surgery with a cold or flu at the moment is finding me a little more distant (physically) and rapid than I'd normally be. I'm taking no prisoners. 

Similarly over the past year I've been sporting varying amounts of facial hair, and today experienced an unexpectedly cold face as I shaved it all off, matching my newly slick short haircut. I have to keep cool, keep hydrated and keep fast. I even took the opportunity in Samoa on holidays recently to run in the heat and humidity to improve my climactic conditioning. I have monitors checking my running speed, heart rate, run and cycle cadence... Obsessed? Almost. 
Jumping out of my skin? Totally. Loving it. 

Monday, 3 September 2012

Marriage Equality for Dummies

I like this video. It's simple, to the point and positive. 

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Sexy Political Activism

3min 22

I'm not following the US elections especially closely at this point, but I like the infectiousness of this viral campaign. So I'm going to help it along, just a little. 

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Danell Leyva

USA Gymnast Danell Leyva strikes a few poses. 

More Philipp Boy

One just can't have too much of a good thing. So here he is.
German Olympic Gymnast Philipp Boy, from his own website. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Randomly Selected Olympic Treats

Camille Lacourt - French swimmer

Claudio Capelli - Swiss gymnast

Marcel Nguyen, Fabian Humbuchen &  Philipp Boy - German Gymnasts

Philipp Boy - German Gymnast

More Jake Dalton

There are loads of hot Gymnasts at London Olympics, and Jake is up the top of that rather elite tree. I kinda like that he's seen also here with our Aussie diving star Matt Mitcham. 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Sam Mikulak & Jake Dalton - Gymnastics

2012 Olympics USA Gymnastics team hotties Jake Dalton & Sam Mikulak.

Got more photos? Send them to me at

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Gold Medalist Swimmer - Ryan Lochte

Game On

Olympic season. I love it. I am a sporting guy, and while I love the actual sporting competition, the lack of bodysuits in the swimming, the finely tuned abs in the diving and the general aesthetic awesomeness that are the Olympians certainly draws me in deeper. And I want to get in deeper still.

I've had this photo of Swedish decathlete Bjorn Barreförs sent to me by a friend and I'm keen to get all the hot photos of athletes that you have found in the lead up to and during this olympic games, noting your country may have images that we don't see here.  So send away and I'll be posting up images as they arrive. Unfortunately Bjorn didn't make the games team. Let's find out who did... 
Email your images to

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Okay it's an obscure link, but having had a new kitchen installed recently, with an Oven to play with for the first time in 3 years, a Dishwasher and Drawers (yes the old kitchen had none of the above), I've been playing a lot more in the kitchen with an outpouring of lickable results. It just happens that the guys from Andrew Christian underwear sent these rather appealing promotional shots. (There's a video too, which is over the top, but a fun watch).

I've been cooking all manner of things and right now am thinking it's time to work on my Soufflé  skills. If anyone has any awesome souffle recipes, let me know. Now I just need to find myself some kitchen help (or hinderance) like the guys above... 

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Refreshingly Normal

I was reading the Sydney Morning Herald this week and there was this article (originally from the Los Angeles Times) about the marriage of one of the co-founders of facebook. The article was quite a straight forward  documentation of an event. But what stood out for me was that it was a gay marriage, and that that itself was not the topic of the article. In fact there was no reference to it being a 'gay wedding' just a documentation of two people in love tying the knot. 

I felt entirely refreshed. A sign that we can move on from the spectacle and surprise of a gay relationship moving on to marriage and it becoming two people affirming their relationship publically, just like any other two people, irrespective of gender. 

That's a definite LIKE.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Abercrombie Hotness on Video

I'll be watching this one again and again and again. 

Saturday, 2 June 2012


The things you find online!
I recently came into the market for a pair of sunglasses when mine got ingloriously run over by a car. Having trouble finding what I wanted I turned to the net to see what was on offer and found Ray Ban has on their website a 'virtual mirror' where you an try on the sunnies in their range. I was a tad sceptical, but had a bit of time to kill so tried it out.
I've since tried all the glasses in their range, partly for laugh value, but it's a seriously cool tool and worth a look. Now I have no ties with Ray Ban and I'm not sure how long this has been operational, but it's worth a look. (Of course you need a camera on your computer).
Check it out:  HERE.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Byron 2012

Wategos Beach

Byron Bay. A slice of heaven that just keeps opening new french doors. It's my May pilgrimage each year, gradually increasing in duration and after this last 9 day stay I had eyes on more. Of course the ocean swim and triathlon on consecutive weekends do nothing to lessen the aesthetic appeal of fellow visitors.  But it's not all sunshine and abs. There are races to be done, pain to be struggled through, though the swim race was cancelled at the 11th hour - with competitors literally lined up at the start. The triathlon was not, and after a series of rather successful races ending in Byron, I was quite glad to be able to hang up my racing shoes for a few months. Focus on the trees rather than the forest, or something like that. In fact I'm now in the middle of a year so far drenched with specialist visits and procedures. The fittest I've been and also the sickest. Life is just like the ocean, painfully beautiful and unpredictable. But Byron remains predictably sleepy, beautiful and bathed in backpackers from heaven, sprinkled with triathlete gods and spiced with a hip alternative vibe. I'm going back again and again and again.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

I do, but I do not.

Paused on the side of the road today I read an email urging me to complete an online poll set up by our Federal parliament on same sex marriage. There were '6 hours left' ;  I figured I'd not get much time elsewhere in my day so I sat there in my car filling out on my iPhone why I think same sex marriage should be legalised. I said with nearly 17 yrs worth of relationship I'd like to have that recognised by the state. But you know, marriage is traditionally to show the world you are committed. I think after all this time marriage would be an unnecessary 'look at us' moment and were it an option now, I'd really have to force myself to do it. Not that I'm any less committed because of it. But if the people who mean anything to me don't already get it, then a wedding isn't going to make a difference. 

I'm a little conflicted, and I don't mind suiting up for an event. But I don't know I have the energy to put into a day that isn't going to change anything I do in my life. Yes it might change the way people think of me and my relationship, but I've kind of given up on concerning myself with what people think. Do I want to be a role model? I'm not going to do something just because I think it's going to look like the right thing to do. I encourage people to make their own paths, not follow the yellow brick road. So even though I think getting married needs to be an option for me, I don't think I'm going to take it whether or not it is legalised. I want to choose not to get married, not be told I can't. 

Monday, 9 April 2012

What body parts have you used on your phone?

Touch screen phones and tablet devices are the norm these days. And they're very tactile. Invariably you'll find yourself caught with no free fingers and a phone you want to do something with, but what do you do?

The question is: What body parts have you used on your phone (or ipad/tablet) other than your fingers?

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Holy Jeans Batman

As much as I like guys in not very much, sometimes just an element of visual is even better. Like the above knee for example. It reminds me of when I first met The Frenchman. It was the same look, the same tear in his jeans. And his knee was the first place I touched him, sitting in the car next to each other, unsure of how to otherwise communicate what we were feeling at that moment. A moment I'll never forget, a feeling imprinted in my hand and heart.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Short Gay on V Day

A short film by Elliot London

He's looking for assistance funding his feature film - for details click here

Valentine's day is over here in Oz, but those in the rest of the world will still be in the midst of it. I hope you're all having a great day regardless of whether or not you have someone to share it with.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Bathtime Entertainment

I headed to the Sydney Opera House on Saturday night for a late evening performance of ' La Soirée '.
I was yawning before the performances commenced, a result of sleep deficit, but was truly woken from the very beginning of the show. A collection of very capable and engaging artists. Oh and did I say hot? Extremely. Sexy, capable and funny too. A perfect combination. And toward the end when you're getting hot under the collar and think you might need a wash, David O'Mer (pictured) comes in and does a bathing routine like no other. Professional adult entertainment from the beginning to the end and I'd happily go back. We left fighting over which act was the best. It seems they have extended the show again too! Popular demand obviously... It would be well worth your money to head in and experience it. Any ticket is a good ticket in the quite intimate space.

They say the show isn't over until the fat lady sings. Well, they do a whole new interpretation of that one.
5 superchilled stars.

for info and tickets:
until March 11, 2012

Monday, 6 February 2012

Surfing White Butts

We've all seen guys with shorts hanging half way down their arses. Some of us have even been those guys I'm sure. But I've seen a whole new trend, one I'm hoping will catch on through the southern summer. Swimming in the surf I noticed a white flash surfing the wave next to me. I thought I was mistaken but a tanned blonde surfer was catching a wave with his board shorts exposing the entirety of his extremely white hot butt. He was laughing all the way, and paddling back out into the surf with the same white beacon beckoning. Again and again. He was trying to get a little attention from some people on the beach and achieved success beyond his expectations.

The water was crystal clear, the waves divine and I'm going back for more. Regularly.

(photo sourced from L'HOMME EST UN CONCEpt)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Do you recognise this image?

Do you know where this image is from?
As soon as I stumbled upon it searching for a different image entirely it is very clear to me where it comes from.
I'm hoping most of you also know - so post a comment and tell me where you think it is from.

Happy New Year, oh but wait it's already February.

I've been absent both here and from home for a few weeks now. Nothing like a trip around the world to start the year. But a sure fire way to make January fly by. Literally.

During that time away I learnt a number of ways to BEHAVE BADLY as a TRAVELLER.

1. If you are from Russia,
Take your newly found 'lady of the night' to one of the classiest restaurants in town. Be loud to ensure everyone notices you and pop your 2 large bags of McDonald's take-out right in the middle of the table. Keep it there right through the sensational dinner. Better still, get your mate to do the same with you. All class. Departing early, leaving the girls to enjoy the rest of their meals in relative silence is your only saving grace.
CHI CHA restaurant, Cusco, Peru

From Germany
When your tour guide, who has literally just finished a 4 day mountainous trek (which you missed because you didn't turn up on day 1) is going to the first proper bathroom he's seen in days, demand that you really need to get going for the next leg that you're catching up with, and that he's wasting your time. Sensitive.
Machu Picchu, Peru

3. From Israel
If it's a popular national park hike in serene surrounds, be sure to have a loud and animated conversation that drowns out the sounds of wildlife and running streams for the entire duration of the walk. Ensure than EVERYONE on the track hears you and only you, even though nobody else seems to need this volume to be heard by their fellow walkers.
El Chalten, Argentina

4. From everywhere English speaking: when a local doesn't understand what you're saying, turn the volume up! Surely if you speak louder everyone will understand. Intelligent.

5. I'm not sure where from but smoking cigars relentlessly in a large hotel lobby/restaurant open space to the point that everyone reeks of smoke is the definition of wanker.
El Calafate, Argentina.

Perhaps I'm just over sensitive.

Oh and Happy New Year.