Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Wild Self-Portrait Wednesday

We've all got cameras these days, often more than one - our mobile phone, web cam, a dedicated camera for holiday snaps... and chances are we've all done our own self portraits, once or a thousand times... alone, with friends, in famous places and sometimes not just our faces... So today is Self Portrait Wednesday. Your charge is to take a photo of yourself in some way shape or form - formal in a tuxedo on the patio, naked on the floor, standing next to a famous icon / monument / personality... or simply smiling in some random place, a train, plane, bathroom...

As you can see here...

You can either take a photo of yourself today, or tell us of you favourite photo experience (or preferably both). If you have one you want to show I'll post it here if you email me here. But that's not compulsory - it's all about getting out there making it happen and seeing what occurs along the way.

If you get embarassed or caught out - declare: 'it's self portrait Wednesday' and get them involved too...

Above all have fun!

Here on the left we have a self portrait from a superchilled reader in his favourite sporting gear... and on the right is how he would look on London Preppy's blog...

1 comment:

Monty said...

I think I might give it a go...will have to do it when I get home tonight...I have the perfect picture in mind! Great idea Trev!