Thursday, 22 March 2007

the power of the night

The world is divided into 2 kinds of people - late night and early morning people. I'm a late night guy, always have been, always will be. As a young lad I'd stay in the living room staring into the late night contemplating life the universe, and how George Michael must also be gay while listening to his Cowboys & Angels, or Waiting in the small hours. These days I find myself reading, writing, communicating, designing, creating all manner of things (like this animated eye), educating myself and sometimes others deep into the night. It's a powerful time allowing me to develop a greater perspective on things, to accomplish things I want to get done and to chat with like minded late night msn'ers from time to time. Morning people, as a rule, don't quite get late night people. I've often been considered lazy for a perceived slothfulness, though the opposite tends to be true with me sleeping a lot less than most early morning counterparts. The late and the early don't quite see eye to eye... I do enjoy early mornings - although I'm more likely to see them from the other end...
Are you an early bird or a late nighter?


Christiaan Kidd said...

Geography has taught me to become an early bird. Living where I do and working where I do, means that if I leave the house past 7am then it takes me one and a half hours to get to work. If I leave the house by 6am it takes me twenty minutes instead!

So, I hit the gym or North Sydney pool very early and I find I have energy coming out of my ears all day - bouncing off the walls. More en-dolphins than I know what to do with!!! I remember when I was a night owl and doing exercise at night time, I was more tired during the day. My creative peak was at 10pm... which is lousy when I was at work between 9am and 6pm trying to design exciting new collections... I missed the boat completely!

I think the early bird/ night owl argument is whatever you train your body to become... and everything else shifts around accordingly. Young Trevor has a job that is very right brain and you also have an eager beaver left brain and the only time you have available to you to exercise this left brain yearning is at night time...

But the early bird catches the worm... :-)

Love, Freddy

Christiaan Kidd said...

Geography has taught me to become an early bird. Living where I do and working where I do, means that if I leave the house past 7am then it takes me one and a half hours to get to work. If I leave the house by 6am it takes me twenty minutes instead!

So, I hit the gym or North Sydney pool very early and I find I have energy coming out of my ears all day - bouncing off the walls. More en-dolphins than I know what to do with!!! I remember when I was a night owl and doing exercise at night time, I was more tired during the day. My creative peak was at 10pm... which is lousy when I was at work between 9am and 6pm trying to design exciting new collections... I missed the boat completely!

I think the early bird/ night owl argument is whatever you train your body to become... and everything else shifts around accordingly. Young Trevor has a job that is very right brain and you also have an eager beaver left brain and the only time you have available to you to exercise this left brain yearning is at night time...

But the early bird catches the worm... :-)

Love, Freddy

Christiaan Kidd said...

Geography has taught me to become an early bird. Living where I do and working where I do, means that if I leave the house past 7am then it takes me one and a half hours to get to work. If I leave the house by 6am it takes me twenty minutes instead!

So, I hit the gym or North Sydney pool very early and I find I have energy coming out of my ears all day - bouncing off the walls. More en-dolphins than I know what to do with!!! I remember when I was a night owl and doing exercise at night time, I was more tired during the day. My creative peak was at 10pm... which is lousy when I was at work between 9am and 6pm trying to design exciting new collections... I missed the boat completely!

I think the early bird/ night owl argument is whatever you train your body to become... and everything else shifts around accordingly. Young Trevor has a job that is very right brain and you also have an eager beaver left brain and the only time you have available to you to exercise this left brain yearning is at night time...

But the early bird catches the worm... :-)

Love, Freddy

Anonymous said...

Craig/Freddy was a bit eager beaver there wasnt he!

Me... well I'll just let you guess what I am....

Superchilled said...

I must say I do enjoy getting up early on holidays when we're out exploring, making the most of the daylight hours (and often with no night-time lighting)... so maybe I COULD change... if I wanted to...

Superchilled said...

But it would still be the night person in me masquerading in a morning person's hours...

Christiaan Kidd said...

As a teenager and a young man through my twenties, it was IMPOSSIBLE to get me into bed and asleep prior to Two AM every day of the week. So I WAS a night, as a not 20 something, I am an early bird... so does this mean I am bi-diurnal?

brenton said...

As you can see i'm trawling your archives re-reading the early posts.
I'm definitely a morning person. 9am is a huge sleep in these days and I rarely go to bed after 11. Weekends in coalcliff watching DVD's and good conversation are a different matter.