Each day I've woken up and felt that today would be a great day to be on holiday. Each day I have gone to work.
I love my work - and I'm almost always looking forward to being there - but in recent weeks I've been more keen to be anywhere but. I've had no drive, no abundance of energy, no buzz about the idea of being there - and in some cases quite the opposite.
It's a sign that I need to abort - get out and get out quickly. This past 2 weeks have been the slowest in the last 10 years. People keep saying how fast Christmas has come along - for me it's seemed an eternity.
As you may have noticed, I've not had a lot of drive here at Superchilled either. I've stared at blank 'create post' pages and they stare back at me saying 'yeah, I'll take you on, punk!' And they have, and they have won. And I haven't minded. I've moved along quietly and been quite happy to be absent. I've felt an increasing need to find my 15 minutes of anonymity.
Right now I'm in an anonymous airport in the middle of, well, nowhere really, or everywhere perhaps for some but I'm in transit off to somewhere else so it means nothing to me today but a chance to stretch out and finally finish this post I started in the wee hours of the morning back at home. Normally when that accelerating force on takeoff presses me into my seat I'll feel like I'm on holidays, but today I don't, not yet, perhaps it because I've worked today and have been on a mission to get to the airport and I still have a thousand things going through my head. Regardless I've seen a few movies including Wanted - which I'd never heard of before with Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman & others that is really quite stunning. Probably better still on a big screen, because it was already impressive on the small plane one. The Bose Noise cancelling headphones loaned me by my very good friends (as well as one for The Frenchman) are fantastic. I'll have them for the next few weeks of travel which is fantastic. After just one leg of testing I'm convinced I'll need my own for the next trip.
I'm going to be under the radar for a while now. My few weeks of radio silence, with perhaps occasional static if I feel so inclined, until mid January while I regather in various locations on this big planet. In the meantime have a fantastic Christmas with people close to you. Celebrate the New Year like it is really something fresh and new and exciting, and enjoy the time out to regather your own thoughts and ideas and plans for the year ahead. It's been a pleasure being a part of your lives for 2008 and I look forward to loads of exciting things in 2009.