Thursday, 17 January 2008

Clifton Beach - Cape Town

Clifton 3
Clifton 3
Clifton 2
Clifton 4

While there is a suburb called Clifton just next door to me, these photos are from a world away in the seaside suburb of Cape Town, SA with the same name. There are a lot more people on its beaches which are numbered (hence the 'Clifton 2,3 and 4' labels) Guess which crowd has Clifton 3 as its favourite?

In my observation of the crowd - some of whom were decidedly Brazilian - there was a very high population wearing Aussiebum swimwear! I was impressed but at the same time a tad disappointed... go all that way... and what do we find?! But what a fantastic place to chill out for an afternoon. Hit the water and you'll do that literally - stay more than 5 minutes and you're getting closely acquainted with hypothermia. The landscape is truly spectacular, and the men aren't bad either.

The photos can be enlarged with a simple click... you know you want to...


Anonymous said...

Great shots Trevor and a Nice Place that Clifton Beach and that is a bonus when ya see Horny MEN on the beach in aussiebum's....I'd be there in a flash as well..As aussies we are mainly used to seeing sand that is yellow/cream? so my Question: Is the the colour of the sand exactly as the picture depicts at all the beaches there in South Africa.

Superchilled said...

Wally: thanks - and yes as far as I recall all the beaches were like this in terms of sand colour (no I haven't bleached the sand in the pics) but I didn't go to ALL the beaches in South Africa...

Darwin said...

Yes, the sand in Cape Town and the Garden Route is that colour, and very fine. In Kwazulu Natal it's much coarser and yellow / gold in colour... (Some useless info for your amusement)

The Clifton Beaches are wonderful, and where I will be lying on Friday Afternoon...

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