Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Wild Wednesday

A predicted top of 12 degrees C (55.4F) today makes doing what this guy is doing quite out there today. (But who'd be doing it if they knew he'd be there too?... Yes you can all put your hands down now).

So for Wild Wednesday - we're doing a physical challenge. Do something that challenges you physically today. It might be a gym class you always thought would be too hard or make you look too uncoordinated, it might be a run in the park at 5 degrees (or just a run in the park), a swim in the ocean (or local fountain), it might be something sexual you always wondered about, or walking instead of driving to work, there are no limits - see what you can (or can't) do - but at least try, and let us know how you go. Aussielicious' Brenton is doing his 'aerial silks' class - can't wait to hear how that goes.
Go wild!

Want to know more about Wild Wednesdays? Click here for previous posts.


brenton said...

I can't wait to start the class tonight!

Monty said...

Well, I'm going to Fruits in Suits tomorrow night - which is combining Pink Shirt Thursday with Wild Wednesday (well, wild for me, having never been before)...probably not very wild for anyone else but hey! :-)

Superchilled said...

It's all about doing things that are a challenge to YOU - not anyone else. A Run the in park is nothing for a marathon runner, but huge for someone who last ran 10 years ago... So go to fruits in suits Monty and enjoy - I'm sure it will end up being a whole lot less scary than you thought.

Speeding Bullett said...

Trevor, can i have an extension to Friday as i am doing a tandem jump in the mornimg?

Superchilled said...

Mr Bullett, of course you can do it on Friday - as a famous slogan goes... Just Do It...

Speeding Bullett said...

Here is the link Trevor. Do you fancy giving it a go?

Superchilled said...

Fantastic Mr Bullett!! Jumping out of a plane (what was the cloud like falling through it?)Looks like great fun - maybe one day it will be me...