Saturday 22 September 2007

Don't you HATE it when...

People tell you to do exactly what they do…

Kind suggestions from people are always welcomed in the sense of “I enjoyed this – you might like it too…” – but I’ve noticed a lot of people INSIST you take their advice – there really is no alternative, like you’ll die if you don’t do it.

We took my parents to my local restaurant and family friends who were finishing their meal there told us “you must order the …(food that they had ordered and was sitting unfinished on their table) it’s really good – it’s called..(and they spelled it out in detail). It was a command…
I’m thinking… Um, I’ve eaten here more than once, no I don’t really feel for that today and, if it’s so fantastic – why have you left half of it?

A retired gent who swims at the Uni pool on Friday mornings, ALWAYS tells me how he shaves while in the shower, with a "proper" razor, not an electric one (which I’m using at the time) and that I should do that too, he also seems astounded each Friday that I’ve “only” swum 1km or so (it’s my morning wake up swim in between work and work – not a serious training session) and seems surprised every week by this fact. Do I suggest to him he has early dementia, or just repeat my same responses every week? (and should I tell him we have a water crisis in this country?)

I have an uncle who will always tell me the best way to get to a destination – I may have driven there a hundred times, but he’ll assure me that HIS way is better, faster, less police, less traffic, awesome weather, more scenic… oh and he's also the guy who if I just bought something – he bought almost exactly the same thing at a garage sale last week so much cheaper… What was I thinking?

Gay men will always have an opinion on cutting, trimming, shaving, waxing or lasering hair… (quite possibly different for each location) and it’s rarely “I prefer it this way” it’s almost always “you have to be XXXXXed” , like the world will fall apart if you’re not the way they prefer. Bugger off I say.

Perhaps I’m just not good at taking advice.


Sue said...

Hmm. I never have this problem. You just must know some pretty pushy people. ;)

Angus said...

I think you should tell the man he might have early dementia and maybe even give him an egg timer - also giving vague responses like 'ahuh' is good.

It's okay not to be a sheep. I quite like the idea.

Unknown said...

sometimes people are bloody knowalls!...and it is hard to bear sometimes!
Uncle shaves with a proper razor!! in the talented! Would that be a cut throat razor then Uncle?..I don't think so silly old fart!would have cut his throat by now!don't know how kindly he would take to being called an old fart! but thats life and I can say that! because my nephew calls me an old fart! a loving way of course!and I suppose I am to some