Being a convincing lad, I managed to persuade my parents to buy one, telling them that because of how easy it was to use even they would use it, and everyone at home would find use for it too... Well, it didn't happen overnight - but it did happen and when I went away to university they couldn't bear to part with it. So I ended up doing all my assignments when I came home weekends... The first computer I bought myself was a mac (a Classic II, I recall) when I was in my final years at uni - I think it was so gee whiz that it had its own internal 40Mb hard drive... but it still had a black and white screen, and when I grew out of that the pc market was flooded with brilliant (and cheaper) options that took me away from the apple orchard...
But now I'm looking back. I'm contemplating a notebook pc and the windows world is rather foggy. I'm deliberating getting back to my roots and investing in an apple... there's mutterings of the new notebook mac coming about soon (if anyone knows details please let me know) I'm thinking of waiting for it and then take a byte or two. But are they worth it? Everyone I know who owns one says they're the bees knees, but I want the honey? And what's the best? The most Regal Honey? Apple blossom flavoured or the generic version I can see through my Windows?
Welcome back to the apple orchard...we missed you ...and you will have a much better time... :D
and what about ubuntu linux?
You cannot do better than a Mac unless you wish to dabble with one of the many versions of Linux out there.
My favorite linux distributions for newcomers to linux are Ubuntu, Suse and Gentoo (I use debian on 2 PC's here as well as Suse on another).
I would not try and point you to use a PC with that monster of a M$ OS being Vista, I have had to fix a few too many friends PC's when Vista did not do what they wanted and would not run some of the programs they needed to run. Got them to get XP pro and installed that and got them to return the VISTA that did not work for them.
I love Mac's but I do not like the mac price tag, you cannot beat the build quality of their machines (yes I have repaired a few macs and upgraded disk space for some mates).
Cheers Eds
Seriously. Stick with MAC. They may be more expensive but they WORK and they last. I'm stuck with PC due to some of the programs I need for work - I hate (almost) every minute.
Once you go mac, you don't go back. My mom, sis and bro have them and love them. I am stuck with pc because that is what we have in my home. Go for mac.
Welcome back to the Mac world...
I've been wanting a mac recently too. My question is - how different is the operating system to normal Windows and will I be able to figure it out?? I've never used one before - I've been using PCs as long as I can remember
I've been wanting a mac recently too. My question is - how different is the operating system to normal Windows and will I be able to figure it out?? I've never used one before - I've been using PCs as long as I can remember
It seems the mac life is the life for me - I'm sure it won't be too hard to transition back. I did use a friend's in London a while back and loved it. (maybe it was that mesmerising light that fades in and out when it's sleeping)
But can I wait for the new powerbooks to arrive?
Why stare through the window when biteing into the apple is so much more delicious. I am sitting here before my E-mac, with its 640 MB of memory, 700 MNz PowerPC G4 processor and OS X 10.2.8 opperating system. Yeah it would be nice to have something bigger and faster, but I would not switch to a PC, even if you gave it to me. Besides, all of your lovely pictures would not be as beautiful as they are. go for it!
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