Monday 13 August 2007

A Liberal push for Gay equality?

It seems the world is square, pigs do fly, and the Australian Federal Liberal Party (well, one member of it at least) is pushing for equality!! See the Sydney Morning Herald article here.


Sue said...

And why not? Then even Australia would be ahead of the US in gay rights. Oh yeah, I posted about you and Christiaan on Sunday. Hope you guys are pleased. :)

T said...

yes and I heard Kevin Rudd talking to some Christian group last week and is is opposed to civil unions for gays - now that made me depressed - he is just a mini Johnnie Howard it seems.

Superchilled said...

Well, well... I think we need to start talking to our politicians! Kevin disappoints me if that's his stance. I think we should be a world leading country on this issue not a forgotten wasteland...

Thanks for your post Sue - you're a star!